Let’s start at the beginning.

Every good story starts at the beginning. It’s the reminder of the path taken and what proves the resiliency and growth experienced. More than that, starting at the beginning allows for the full story to come to life because any good story is a building of small moments that eventually lead to the big moments - the milestones. Those milestones cannot be appreciated or fully understood without a grasp of what led to them and how they were achieved.

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Allow us to start from the beginning.

As a little girl, Alexis often found herself on the water with her father enjoying the serenity of the seas and company of wisdom. Though not all was always calm. Her dad often referenced the old adage: “Red sky at night, sailor's delight. Red sky in morning, sailor's warning.” This simple saying was far more than that - it was mother nature’s way of communicating. And, it was this saying, this wisdom that always stuck with her. It is the beginning that led to her ‘big moment’.

With a firm understanding of what effective communication looked like, Alexis has spent nearly 20 years honing her skills at news networks and corporations alike with a keen focus on production and public relations. All was well until the pandemic hit. She was, for the first time in her life, faced with a monumental decision that would change the course of her history. She could weather the storm with her corporate employer or set sail and explore a new chapter.

She chose the latter, though it was admittedly a challenge. She quickly realized she wasn’t as comfortable as she thought she’d be leaving her job. She enjoyed the pace, the challenge and most of all the people. So, she took a few calls and struck gold with an interview. An interview that was exciting and rewarding. An interview that matched her skill set beyond measure. An interview that changed her course. As perfect as it was, that interview never materialized into a job— rather, it was a turning point, an idea that blossomed.

See, the interviewee was a fan of Alexis’. She loved her passion, her energy and her dedication to storytelling. So, she proposed the idea of consulting. An idea that had never crossed Alexis’ mind. In the ensuing weeks, this idea stayed with Alexis. The idea that she could be a mom (to her three boys) and a professional in the way that she wanted with the schedule she needed and creating the impact she was so good at.

When it came time to build this consultancy, only one name fit, RedSky Communications. An ode to mother earth who in her infinite wisdom communicates with us daily and guides us on the right path telling her story and that of others. We hope to do her proud as we work with you to tell your story from beginning to milestone.

Share your story today.